Hospital Consultation Services

We offer medical nutrition therapy to in and outpatients in hospitals. where we co-manage patient with diabetes and endocrine disorder, metabolic syndrome, autoimmune disorders, hypertension, Ulcers, gout ,HIV/AIDS , Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder , Lactose intolerance , Anaemia , Autism , Celiac Disease , Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis , Irritable bowel syndrome , Food allergies ,gout , thyroid disorders, heart disease, deranged lipid profiles, celiac disease, renal and hepatic diseases.

We offer pre and post operative nutrition care, pediatric nutrition support, and coordination of all aspects of nutrition care plan newer treatment modalities. We also set up dietetics clinics in hospitals on request.

Weight Management Program

If you have been struggling to lose or gain weight without success, This program is designed to help you develop healthier habits and teach you strategies for lifelong maintenance and balance. We set you up for success by giving you the tools and support you need to start making permanent lifestyle changes.

Our approach is highly individualized, and we will focus on making changes that fit with your lifestyle. Over the course of your program, you will learn how to set realistic goals and receive ongoing coaching and support to help you stay motivated.

Recipe Development and Food Labelling

We develop new recipes to make your meal preparations easier as well as  meet your nutrition and health needs. We create recipes for food production companies, analyze nutritional content of these products and offer nutrition information labelling on the products to educate consumers about the nutritional content of the product and recommended quantity to be consumed per serving size.We also provide professional advise on modifications that can be made on existing products to make it healthier.

Comprehensive Nutrition Screening

Our Nutritional screening is a first-line process of the nutritional status to identify patients who are already malnourished or at risk of becoming so; our nutritional assessment is a detailed investigation to identify and quantify specific nutritional problems.

Nutrition Education (Seminars ,workshops)

We tailor our workshops and seminars to our audience depending on the age, sex well as their working patterns and daily commitments. This allows us to deliver bespoke nutrition talks that makes a real practical difference. Alternatively, we sometimes also recommend many of our popular seminar topics to clients.

  • Nutrition for Health
  • Healthy lifestyle for the family
  • Myth busting in Nutrition & Exercise
  • Nutrition for Sugar Control or Cravings
  • Nutrition of Energy
  • Nutrition for Pregnancy
  • Nutrition for Menopause
  • Nutrition and Wellness
  • Nutrition for improved Detoxification
  • Nutrition for Sleep
  • Nutrition for Injury or Recovery

Corporate Wellness Program

As Sir Richard Branson states, “If you take care of your employees they will take care of the clients”.We know that when employees are healthy,they perform to their full potential that in turn this will result in improved productivity and decreased work absenteeism hence we offer coporate wellness programs to teach your employees on how to eat for optimum health and wellness.

Some topics for our Corporate Wellness Nutrition talks are :-

  • The Key to Healthy Nutrition
  • Healthy Eating on a Budget
  • Nutritional Strategies for Shift Workers
  • Nutrition & Sleep
  • Healthy Lunch Ideas (Individual & Family)
  • Combating stress with good nutrition
  • Nutrition for Optimum Work Place Performance

Therapeutic Programs for Specific Needs

This program is designed to provide nutrition support for specific needs during pregnancy, lactation, childhood, and for sports persons

Therapeutic Meal Delivery

We have a therapeutic dietetics kitchen which caters for the diet needs of different health conditions. Our kitchen provides meals based on your health condition, anthropometric assessment, basal metabolic rates, work schedule and physical activity pattern. We offer daily, weekly or monthly meal delivery plans.Our meal delivery service is available to private individuals, corporate organisations and hospitals.